Vibrant America Micronutrient

Vibrant America Micronutrient

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Vibrant America Micronutrient
Micronutrients, as opposed to macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fat), are comprised of vitamins and minerals which are required in small quantities to ensure normal metabolism, growth and physical well‐being.

These are essential organic nutrients, most of which are not made in the body, or only in insufficient amounts, and usually must be obtained through food. When dietary intake of a vitamin is inadequate, deficiency disorders result. Although vitamins are only present and required in minute quantities, compared to the macronutrients, they are just as vital to health and need to be considered in the context of nutrition quality.

These are inorganic nutrients that also play a key role in ensuring health and well‐ being. They include the trace elements copper, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium, and zinc together with the macro elements calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. As with vitamins, minerals are found in small quantities within the body and they are obtained from a wide variety of foods.

Micronutrients that are free floating in your blood and exist outside the cells, determined in serum are called extracellular micronutrients. These extracellular micronutrients are a static measure of what is in your blood at any given time. These are dependent on your short-term intake of supplements or diet and give a direct assessment of your baseline micronutrient levels. Extracellular nutrient tests reflect a person’s diet over a relatively narrow time frame.

Intracellular micronutrients are the micronutrients absorbed by your circulating white blood cells and red blood cells. Cellular micronutrient absorption is an important step in maintaining and promoting optimal functioning of all our cells. It is important to understand that, even though you may be consuming an adequate or healthy diet or supplements, your cellular intake levels of those nutrients may not be sufficient and may still provide risks for deficiencies and the disorders associated with them. Your genetics, aging, lifestyle, chronic illness, and medications all affect your cellular nutrient absorption.

Importance of micronutrients and testing

Vibrant America micronutrient comprehensive test inclusions

The test pricing includes the mailing of the blood collection kit from the USA, blood collection, return shipping to the USA, and the lab test analysis in the USA, for 1 patient.

The kit usually takes 14 business days to arrive from the USA. You will also receive a special form from us on email. If you have not received your kit or the special form from us within 14 days, please email us at

**You must send us your Date of Birth for the lab to send your test it, please ensure you do this after you order **


By ordering you acknowledge the test is intended for research, educational, and informational use only. Discuss results with your healthcare provider. All test samples must be received within 6 months of ordering or additional fees may apply.