Gut Health
(Digital file, hypnosis audio)
The subconscious mind has a substantial influence on digestion and elimination and can affect the functioning of the digestive system through its connection to the body’s stress response.
It can also influence eating habits, food choices, exercise and relaxation which can have a direct impact on digestion and elimination.
This recording enhances the gut-brain connection, and also connects you to true mind body healing, tapping into the innate intelligence of your energy centres, promoting a healthy flow of energy throughout your body and mind, the focal point for health and wellness.
In published studies gut focused hypnotherapy works as well if not better than a low fodmap diet. Gut-directed hypnotherapy improves gastrointestinal symptoms in people with IBS by 70-80% and these improvements are maintained in the long-term [STUDY]
Simply listen to this program, and allow the mind body healing to begin. The program is by our mind body expert Lisa.
Always continue to work with your doctor and follow their medical advice