Epigenetic Blood Test
The best cellular age (epigenetic) test on the planet is here!
TruAge™ is the most accurate, revolutionary biological age predictor. Biological age, is a measurement of your age based on various biomarkers.
Epigenetics refers to heritable changes in gene expression that do not alter the primary DNA sequence. Risk factors including lifestyle factors (nutrition, smoking and alcohol consumption, behavior, stress, physical activity, and working habits, etc.) and environmental factors (exposures, stressors, etc.) can impact these modifications, and therefore, impact how our genes perform.
This is important because aging is a leading risk factor for multiple chronic diseases and disorders. Therefore, finding a way to slow the biological aging process is essential. Through epigenetics, TruAge™ does just that. Our epigenetic clock is the most accurate measurement of biological age and age-related disease risk. Epigenetic aging can be reversed, so, it is crucial to understand DNA methylation changes through utilizing TruAge™.
Your Biological Age can be slowed, and even reversed, by applying lifestyle changes. While scientists believe about 40% of your Methylation is out of your hands, due to what you inherited from your parents or experienced in childhood – that still leaves over half of your gene expression in your own hands.
Order the test here
Learn more about Epigenetics and changing your Biological Age here.
Continue scrolling down for detailed webinars on epigenetics and the test.
After completing the test you will receive 75+ pages of interpreted data and clinical recommendations based on your epigenetic results. These report includes your TruAge™, EpiAge™, a personalized TruAge™ Treatment Framework, Rate of Aging and Telomere Length algorithm/reports. The results break down exactly what your test results mean and how they may affect your health. They also provide actionable insights on how to improve or maintain your levels with lifestyle suggestions transparently sourced to published reports.
Included reports:
New SYMPHONYAge (System Methylation Proxy of Heterogeneous Organ Years), this collection of system-specific clocks provides a new way of looking at aging by examining how different parts of the body decline independently, and synchronously, over time. (Sample report here)
Due to lifestyle and dietary choices, researchers explain that organ systems age differently in a single body, and that disease-related risks can be calculated by examining 11 major systems and their biological effect on one another.
This includes: Lung Age, Heart Age, Brain Age, Hormone Age, Metabolic Age, Musculoskeletal Age, Blood Age, Liver Age, Inflammation Age, Kidney Age, and Immune System Age.
While some biological age tests already claim to predict the extent of aging of various organ systems, SYMPHONYAge is notably different in scope, validation, and associations with various health outcomes. It is also the only published clock which gives organ specific aging information. TruDiagnostic has an exclusive license on the use of these algorithms which were previously called Systems Clock during earlier stages of research and development.
Researchers at Yale University explain that SYMPHONYAge differs from its early-stage predecessors in the following ways:
- More clocks: SYMPHONYAge reports on 11 (opposed to nine) organ systems, using system-specific clocks. Additionally, it also predicts one integrated whole-body clock that uses the 11 system-specific clocks as input.
- More training data: SYMPHONYAge uses 133 molecular, cellular, and functional biomarkers for modeling organ system ages, while old organ clocks only used 59 biomarkers. The additional biomarkers were selected based on clinical knowledge from physician Dr. Albert Higgins-Chen. Additionally, the new SYMPHONYAge clock uses 125K methylation sites, while previous organ clocks used only 78K methylation sites.
- More validation: SYMPHONYAge organ clocks have been validated to be superior to presently available clocks when evaluating 16 different health outcomes across 5,129 samples (three different datasets). Validation is set to be published, but is currently online and under review, by bioRxiv. The old organ age clock (Systems Age) has shown to only be comparable to four different outcomes in just 2,167 samples (1 dataset only), in unpublished data.
- More insights: The new SYMPHONYAge clocks have been used to find aging subtypes with unique health risks, while this has not been done with older, system-specific clocks. Additionally, validation shows SYMPHONYAge clocks are specifically associated with health outcomes related to their physiological system (ex. Lung clock predicts future lung cancer, Heart clock predicts future coronary heart disease, and Blood clock predicts future leukemia).
Scientists from Yale University and TruDiagnostic stress that our body’s systems do not age in isolation, and thus age-related disease and functional decline often do not occur in isolation either. “Many age-related illnesses stem from issues in various biological systems working together. For instance, arthritis is the result of both musculoskeletal wear and inflammation, whereas stroke can happen due to problems in the cardiovascular system, metabolism, inflammation, and brain function,” explains Yale researcher Dr. Albert Higgins Chen. These interconnected patterns can lead to different aging types, making some people more prone to certain age-related diseases. Understanding these patterns helps in forecasting health outcomes.
OMICm Age REPORT (see sample report here)
Serving as a multi-omic look into all levels of the biological aging process, this report includes the following measurements:
- OMICm Biological Age
- Risk of Death
- Risk of Stroke, Cancer, Congenital Heart Disease, COPD, Depression, and Type II Diabetes
- Methylation Risk Scores for Various Proteins
- Methylation Risk Scores for Various Metabolites
- Methylation Risk Scores for Clinical Biomarkers
PLUS: A clinical guide to how the various, multi-omic measurements in this report are correlated with either a higher or lower biological age. This report also calculates what risk of death and disease would be if your biological age increases or decreases by one to several years. Watch the video at the bottom of the page to learn more!
**NEW Fitness REPORT (see sample report here)
Uncover your OMICm FitAge, (your overall biological age) based exclusively on epigenetic biomarkers of physical performance. This measurement uses novel OMICm FitAge Acceleration algorithm to calculate results. This report also includes insights into the aging status through DNA methylation risk scores for:
- Muscle Strength (Grip Strength)
- Lung Function (VO2Max & FEV1)
- Walking Speed (Gait Speed)
**NEW Immune REPORT (see sample report here)
Discover the concentration and ratios of various types of immune cells, along with how those results are associated with either an increased or decreased risk of death and disease (such as cancer and Type II Diabetes). This report also breaks down how various lifestyle factors such as caffeine consumption and BMI impact immune cell levels.
**NEW Inflammation REPORT (see sample report here)
This report calculates the following:
- Methylation Risk Score for CRP Marker
- Methylation Risk Score for IL-6 Marker
DunedinPACE (The Dunedin Pace of Aging report): essentially a speedometer for aging, based on methylation markers in the genome. It is highly predictive of outward phenotypic signs of aging, and studies have found accelerated aging detected by this algorithm is also highly predictive of the development of age-related diseases. View Dunedin PoAM Example Report
Telomere Age: Accurately estimate Telomere Length by examining methylation markers on your DNA. Learn about how telomere length affects cellular replication and cellular fate, and how your telomeres currently fare. View Telomere Length Example Report
Biological Age: Goes in-depth into the many aspects that change biological age, and some of the general lifestyle choices the current research supports for slowing epigenetic aging.
Immune Age: Intrinsic Epigenetic Age. It is essentially the baseline aging of your body, without the impact of diseases and other immune system aging factors.
Your Mitotic Clock: Predictive of the amount of stem cell division in tissue samples. This report investigates 385 PCGT/PRC2-Marked promoter CPGs to create a patient’s Mitotic Age to detect high levels of cell division - characteristic of certain inflammatory diseases and tumors. This clock's results highly correlate to cancer development risk.
Weight Loss Response to Caloric Restriction: A hypocaloric (calorie-deficient) diet is typically considered one of the best approaches for weight loss, but not everyone responds to calorie deficit in the same way. There are molecular and epigenetic components to how a body will respond to calorie deficit.
CpG Beta Values: CpG Beta Values are your raw epigenetic data, that can be used in epigenetic clocks and other algorithms. All TruAge customers receive a downloadable report with 1,300 of your CpG Loci Beta Values.
As ongoing research develops new aging algorithms and new Trait Reports are added your past TruAge reports will continue to update and grow over time with new insights.
Why is epigenetic testing the best measurement for biological testing?
DNA Methylation offers the strongest ability to predict health outcomes and lifespan, compared to Telomere Length or Proteomics alone.
Watch the video below, or directly on YouTube by following this link: https://youtu.be/AnxxrUj7JFY
Webinar: Intro To Dunedinpoam Algorithm
Watch the video below, or directly on YouTube by following this link: https://youtu.be/AnxxrUj7JFY
Webinar on Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Aging and Treatments to Reduce Aging Risk
Watch the video below, or directly on YouTube by following this link: https://youtu.be/bGE8I94zaVc
TruDiagnostic’s TruAge epigenetic reports cannot actually diagnose a disease on its own. That’s up to a healthcare practitioner. The reports can help investigate epigenetic markers that flag a possible predisposition toward certain diseases, like obesity and diabetes. Much like a blood cholesterol test cannot diagnose obesity, epigenetic tests cannot diagnose diseases either.
Once you know where to focus, you can make real changes. Check out this summary of recent studies into different interventions that have been shown to change the different forms of epigenetic ageing.
Are all cellular age tests created equally? What about the future?
TruAge maintains the highest scientific standards and integrity with the latest (third generation), most advanced, peer-reviewed & published, aging algorithm
First Generation Aging Algorithms- These rudimentary, age-calculating formulas, also known as 'clocks,' rely on the research and technology that first gave scientists a glimpse into biological aging processes.
But science has come a long way since these formulas were developed!
Many of these first generation clocks have not been peer-reviewed and published, therefore, we don't know how the results relate to risk of disease. Simply put, they are outdated and do not respond to lifestyle and medical interventions correctly.
Tests That Use First Generation Algorithms:
Tally Health Age Predictor
Horvath Clock
Hannum Clock
Weidner Clock
Bocklandt Clock
Huang's Age Predictor
Zhang's Age Predictor
TruDiagnostic's DunedinPACE algorithm is currently the only age and pace of aging calculator available to doctors and patients that uses a third generation formula to reliably understand impacts of interventions and age-related health risks.
Read about Tally Health vs TruAge here
Discover the latest reports and the exciting new OMICm age report, the cutting edge Epigegentic blood test.